Everybody loves the “Cliff Notes” version of before and after remodeling pictures; Focusing on color, design choices and craftsmanship. I get it. It is what sells. The pop and wow factor.
I am often underbid by contractors who are used to working for flip house investors who buy neglected properties in desirable neighborhoods. They know the investor wants the maximum return on investment. They attach beautiful $500 kitchen faucets to galvanized pipe. Lay vinyl plank flooring over damaged laminate floor with no underlayment or moisture barrier. Put vinyl siding over asbestos siding etc. Basically put lipstick on a pig of a house, and sell it as “remodeled”.
We try to give our customers a longer lasting repair and remodel.

My purpose for posting this is to help people understand that remodeling is not a commodity like oil or soybeans, it is a service. There is an old contractor saying: There are three kinds of adjectives that describe the jobs we can do for you, good, quick and cheap, but you can only have two. 🙂
I don’t subscribe to this philosophy. I am really only interested in providing my customers with quality products and good craftsmanship that provides long term solutions.